Thursday, November 20, 2008

Like a Lemming.

Since all the cool blogs are doing it.

I typelyzed our blog here at Sarracuda to see what type we are.


The independent and problem-solving type. They are especially attuned to the demands of the moment are masters of responding to challenges that arise spontaneously. They generelly prefer to think things out for themselves and often avoid inter-personal conflicts.

The Mechanics enjoy working together with other independent and highly skilled people and often like seek fun and action both in their work and personal life. They enjoy adventure and risk such as in driving race cars or working as policemen and firefighters.

Hm. And it took about .08 seconds to analyze us.

By A. Suffragette

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Just Read

If this doesn't leave you in tears, nothing will. I'm not religious, but God bless Eugene and Helene. If there isn't a heaven, this story only proves that there should be.

-Max Power

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Now the truth comes out.

Huh. Africa is a country.

Nice knowing you, Gov. Palin!

by Rope Hoover Palin

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

And what the HELL is wrong with Ralph Nader?

Nader says:

To put it very simply, he is our first African American president; or he will be. And we wish him well. But his choice, basically, is whether he’s going to be Uncle Sam for the people of this country, or Uncle Tom for the giant corporations.

Props to Daily Dish.

by A. Suffragette

We aren't the underdogs anymore.

Is that right? No more bleeding heart liberal who just can't cut a break; who practically has to beg for votes? No more angry left? You mean we won? Well what are we supposed to complain about now? What’s a democratic gal like myself to do?

We keep going. Nothing stops here. There are plenty of Fox News supporting republi-bots out there who are just waiting for us to scamper back to our lattes and abortion clinics [or worse, our low-income housing] while the guy we just elected throws American flags and bibles down the toilet, along with what’s left of our economy. But what I’m wondering is…are these crazies still our major adversaries? Or will we see the face of the Republican party change?

Wonkette gave a succinct summary of how they see things going down:
…And it really could happen, and probably will happen. Probably a new Tory-Elitist-Educated party, based in the Northeast and led by … Bloomberg? He has plans. And probably a Western branch led by Arnold. But the dumb-redneck era of politics is over, forever, we hope

On the other hand, we have Sarah Palin and Tall thinking about her run for presidency, with the “base” in her pocket. But how big is that base nowadays, really? Should it even be called that? The only age group that McCain did better with were the geriatrics. The base? The base is dying.

I believe in a government of give and take, of differences in opinion, and of multiple parties. I don’t want to see the Republican party crash and burn. Maybe this walk into the woods will be good for them. Change your tactics, Republicans, and maybe I’ll respect ya the morning after.

by A. Suffragette

No She Can't.

The boos last night during John McCain's concession speech were from Sarah Palin's caliber of people.

And hopefully, they were aimed at her, because she deserved them.

We saw last night the defeat of hate, fear, and bigotry - ideals that Sarah Palin lives up to, along with cowardice, ignorance, and insincerity. Palin became a drag on the McCain campaign, on the Republicans, and on the very people she represented, and the voters rejected her worldview in overwhelming numbers.

We here at Operation: Sarracuda saw through her disguise and labeled her a fraud from the get-go. Now people are talking about her running for president in 2012. I saw, bring it on. We will be ready for her. And so will America; the country will reject her and her terrible worldview for a second time.

President-elect Barack Obama deserves this election. He was a better person, a better politician, and had better ideals for our country. Unlike the McCain-Palin ticket, you didn't hear of infighting or Biden "going rogue" or - anticipating a loss - talk of someone else running in 2012. Discipline will take you places, and Gov. Palin has none of that discipline - or grace or class.

Congratulations Obama.

by Rope Hoover Palin

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

40 minutes.

That's about how long my journey to the polls ran. The weather was calm, the coffee was tasty, and my fellow line standers were quiet and polite. My neighborhood is fairly diverse here in Harrisburg, PA, so it's tough for me to gauge if there were more African Americans or more young people, or simply more people in general. But, if I had been expecting a riot I didn't get it. There was a brief moment of panic when I didn't see my name in the book right away, but there I was, on the bottom.

Some local news pundits are predicting up to an 80% turnout in the Commonwealth. We shall see.

by A. Suffragette

Monday, November 3, 2008

It's the final countdown.

So. Here we are. Election Eve. What do we do after this? We need to start thinking constructively, whether it's a specific cause we start tearing into, or simply beginning Rope Hoover Palin's run for political office.

Until then, I give you something that everyone needs once in awhile: adorable puppies.

by A. Suffragette