Friday, September 19, 2008

The Deception Grows Deeper

ABC news has uncovered "New Doubts" (read: New Truths) about Sarah Palin's claims on Troopergate.

We can again see the political ideology that seems to continuously spew forth from the McCain Slime Machine. What truly makes it frightening is the parallel's to the W* campaigns of yesteryear.

It is not only the style that is appalling, it is also the substance. I enjoy waking everyday and finding that Palin keeps using the unequivocal 'thanks, but no thanks' line. (Thanks TTT) When directly asked about it by Hannity,(the closest thing Hannity actual got to asking her a real question), she began the long, slow slink away from the lie that is so painfully obvious now.
HANNITY: Did you rigidly support it and did you change your view on it? Because the Democrats are saying, no, no, no, she originally supported it and she said she said she opposed it.

PALIN: Well, I killed the Bridge to Nowhere. And you know, I think I ruffled some feathers there, also, with our congressman who had been requesting that bridge for so many years.

What we needed to do up there in Alaska, was find some good transportation between the two land bodies there. And we did. We found that with an improved ferry system between Ketchikan and its airport. But, the Bridge to Nowhere is, as I've been saying in my speeches, if it's something that Alaskans really want and support, which at this time, they're not willing to support to such an extent that we'll pay for it ourselves, we better kill the bridge because we know the rest of the nation's not going to pay for it.

Sadly (or predictably), Hannity failed to ask the follow-up question that Palin's answer begs - "Can you kill a bridge that is already dead?"

This is typical Bush/Rove politics. How can anyone conclude that the result of this campaign is going to be any different than the administration of the past 8 years?

"Just keep lying - it makes it seem like the truth" - ancient GOP proverb.

Same campaign ideology - Same disastrous results.

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