Monday, September 22, 2008

Veiled Transparency

In another brilliant thunderbolt of hypocrisy, the Sarah Palin email scandal has again distorted the real point - she purposely used a private email to try to circumvent the possibility of revealing the real dealings of her government.

This is fact. Not twisted spin, not an interpretation, but FACT.The Atlantic's Connor Clark makes this vivid point:
The hacking incident should not draw attention away from the following: Sarah Palin has used her private email account to conduct state business, and she was doing so to circumvent the state's public records law and avoid public scrutiny.

This is a statement of fact, and it has been reported as fact casually and frequently in numerous places well before Palin's account was broken into.

This is from Gawker:
The thing is, though, Palin's staff haven't even bothered to deny there's been some official business flowing through Yahoo Mail. Though Palin recently pledged to govern with "a servant's heart," her press secretary this week said, when asked about the private accounts, that Alaskans don't need a transparent government because "the final decisions will be public."...
In other words, the executive branch has the right to deliberate and keep a wide array of secrets, regardless of some ill-considered public access rules. That assertion is basically what Dick Cheney has been saying for the past eight years to justify the Bush Administration's culture of secrecy.

(The original here.)

I don't think we need to worry so much about McCain being another 4 years of Bush as we need to worry about Palin being 4 more years of Cheney.

I'm not sure I need to state the obvious again but...

Same campaign ideology - Same disastrous results.

By Max Power

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